Adult History Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 4Patient's NameFirstMiddleLastName Patient Goes ByBirthdateAgeSexHome AddressHome PhoneEmailPatient's Interests: Sports, Hobbies, Music, ChurchSS#Employed ByWork PhonePatient's DentistPatient's PhysicianRefferred ByClose Friend or Relative Who is a Patient in this OfficePerson Responsible for Account (Name)If You Are Covered by Dental Insurance that Provides for Orthodontic Treatment, Please Complete The Following:Insured's nameRelationship to PatientInsured's SS#Insured's Date of BirthInsured is Employed withInsurance Company NameInsurance Company AddressInsurance Company Phone #Insured's ID #Group # (Plan, Local or Policy #)SpouseNameFirstMiddleLastAddressHome PhoneSS#Date of BirthEmployed ByWork PhoneMedical HistoryIs the patient in good health?YesNoIs the patient under physician's care?YesNoIf so, for what reasonAre there any impending operations?YesNoIf so, please describeIs the patient taking prescription medications?YesNoIf so, please listIs the patient allergic to medicines?YesNoIf so, please listDoes patient use tobaccoYesNoIf so and within the last 2 years, when?Does patient take herbal medicines?YesNoIf so, please listFor Females Only:Is the patient presently pregnant?YesNoDoes the patient take birth control pills?YesNoHas patient had or currently have any of the following:Aids/ Hiv+YesNoAllergies to:MetalsYesNoVinylYesNoLatexYesNoAcrylicYesNoSeasonalYesNoOtherAnemiaYesNoArthritisYesNoAsthmaYesNoBone DisordersYesNoCirculatory ProblemsYesNoConvulsionsYesNoDiabetesYesNoEndocrine or Thyroid ProblemsYesNoFaintingYesNoFrequent HeadachesYesNoGlaucomaYesNoHeart ProblemsYesNoHepatitisYesNoHigh Blood PressureYesNoKidney ProblemsYesNoLiver ProblemsYesNoNeurological ProblemsYesNoProlonged BleedingYesNoRemoval of Tonsils & AdenoidsYesNoRheumatic FeverYesNoSinus ProblemsYesNoNextDental HistoryHAVE YOU HAD A RECENT DENTAL CHECKUP?YesNoDO YOU BITE LIP/FINGERNAILS?YesNoHAS THERE BEEN A BLOW OR INJURY TO FACE OR TEETH?YesNoHAVE TEETH BEEN KNOCKED OUT OF THE MOUTH AND REIMPLANTED?YesNoARE THERE SPEECH PROBLEMS?YesNoHAS TREATMENT BEEN RECEIVED FOR THESE PROBLEMS?YesNoARE THERE SWALLOWING PROBLEMS?YesNoIS THERE CLICKING OR PAIN WHEN OPENING THE JAW?YesNoHAVE YOU EVER HAD JAW JOINT (TMJ) TREATMENT?YesNoIS THERE DIFFICULTY BREATHING THROUGH NOSE (MOUTH BREATHING)?YesNoHAVE YOU EVER HAD SURGERY TO REPAIR CLEFT LIP AND/OR PALATE?YesNoDO YOUR GUMS BLEED WHEN BRUSHING TEETH?YesNoDO YOU USE DENTAL FLOSS?YesNoDO YOU HAVE FREQUENT SORES IN THE MOUTH OR LIPS?YesNoDO YOU PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT?YesNoIF SO, WHICH ONEDIETARY HABITSDO YOU EAT BALANCED MEALS (MEAT, VEGETABLES, FRUIT, ETC.)?YesNoDO YOU TAKE SUPPLEMENTAL VITAMINS?YesNoIS THERE A HIGH INTAKE OF SWEETS?YesNoIS THERE A HIGH INTAKE OF CAFFEINE?YesNoDO YOU CHEW GUM FREQUENTLY?YesNoDO YOU CHEW ICE, EAT LEMONS OR LIMES?YesNoSLEEP HABITSARE YOU A SOUND SLEEPER?YesNoDO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR MOUTH OPEN?YesNoDO YOU SNORE?YesNoDO YOU GRIND YOUR TEETH WHILE SLEEPING?YesNoHAVE YOU EVER BEEN TESTED FOR SLEEP APNEA?YesNoRESULTS?IF YOU HAVE ANY ADDITIONAL CONCERNS OR QUESTIONS YOU WISH THE DOCTOR TO BE AWARE OF, OR YOU WISH THE DOCTOR TO ANSWER, PLEASE DESCRIBESignature Clear Signature NextAUTHORIZATIONTHIS OFFICE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO VERIFY THE CREDIT STATUS OF POTENTIAL PATIENTS PRIOR TO EXTENDING CREDIT FOR TREATMENT FEES AND MAY, AT THE DISCRETION OF THIS OFFICE, USE THE SERVICES OF ONE OR MORE CREDIT REPORTING SERVICES. ADDITIONALLY, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE DR. SCOTT TO RELEASE ALL INFORMATION NECESSARY TO SECURE THE PAYMENT OF INSURANCE BENEFITS, AND I ASSIGN DIRECTLY TO THE DOCTOR ALL INSURANCE BENEFITS OTHERWISE PAYABLE TO ME. I FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE USE OF THIS SIGNATURE ON ALL MY INSURANCE SUBMISSIONS, WHETHER MANUAL OR ELECTRONIC.Signature Clear Signature NextFACIAL AND FUNCTIONAL EXAMSYMMETRYNormalAsymmetricFacial Midlines Off (R)Facial Midlines Off (L)FACIAL MUSCLE BALANCENormalHyperHypoRESPIRATIONNormalMouth BreathingLIP TONENormalHyperHypoPROFILEAcceptableBimaxMaxillary ProtrusionMaxillary Protrusion (Skeletal)Maxillary Protrusion (Dental)Maxillary RetrusionMaxillary Retrusion (Skeletal)Maxillary Retrusion (Dental)Mandibular RetrusionMandibular Retrusion (Skeletal)Mandibular Retrusion (Dental)SWALLOWNormalAbnormalTongue ThrustUPPER LIP LENGTHNormalShortLongLOWER FACIAL HEIGHTNormalDeficientExcessiveSPEECHNormalAbnormalNASOLABIAL ANGLENormalAcuteObtuseHABITSNoneThumbLipTongueSubmit